Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crowned Heirloom White ~

I picked this crown up at TJ Maxx for $5.50 last week.

Now normally I turn for my can of black spray paint, but I decided to try something a little different. So I pulled out a can of Heirloom White that I used in my daughter's room...

I sanded down the edges and turned to a little Ralph Lauren Glaze (thanks to the ladies over at Shanty 2 Chic).

I wanted to add a little detail to the bottom, so I tried this first...

But then switched the paper out to this for a bit more contrast.

I made a little tag and added a few jewels.

And here she is...

But she was still missing something. I picked these up at a thrift shop yesterday for $1.99 each.

So I painted one Heirloom White and

added a little glaze.

I put the two together and ta da -

From this to...

This! I really love the finished product - although I keep thinking, "what would it look like in black?"

I linked this up to Trash to Treasure over at Reinvented.

Linked up to Get Your Craft On at Today's Creative Blog.

I added this project to Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage.

I also linked this up to Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special at Funky Junk Interiors. Tons of great ideas - be sure to check them out!

Just linked this up to the Rust-Oleum Revamp Party at Shanty2Chic. I am lovin' all my Rust-Oleum cans lined in my garage - how about you?


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I have been looking for a "priceless" crown. Your's is wonderful. I'll bet your daughter is delighted.


philben5 said...


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I. LOVE. THIS! I want one! I'm going to have to hit TJ Maxx and see if mine has one. For $5.50 you should go back and see if they have another one to try in black! : ) How striking would that look ~ a black one and a white one! And you already have the second pedestal.

ChesterAndDonkey said...

Oh my GOSH - that is adorable! I have been wanting to use that glaze ... you did great! And, I forgot to congratulate on your 100 posts!! :)

House Queen said...

I want one of those! After all I am The Queen of My House! I will check my TJ Maxx tomorrow! Bet I am not as lucky as you! Great job! Thanks so much for sharing!

Naples Modern said...

I love it in the Heirloom! Great choice. Very cool.

jackie said...

how cute! it looks great

Kim said...

Now why can't I find me a crown? I'm a princess without a crown.....waaaaa! I won't give up my search, no sireeee! ;) Love it Lindsay!

Kim said...

SOrrry, I was just at Lindsay's blog. Love it Chelsea!

Home is My Sanctuary said...

Hello chelsea. I love your blog and the transformations you are able to achieve. Wish I had the time to do that. I work full time plus homeschool my 15 year old son in the evenings. I have started a new blog and would love it if you would pay me a visit.

Thanks! Paula

Marla said...

Chelsea, this is great transformation. I love it!! Marla

Lisa said...

Looks awesome! Now I have to find me one. I would leave it white!

Lisa said...

Looks awesome! Now I have to find me one. I would leave it white!

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Fabulous! I've got to get my hands on some of that glaze!

Tammy said...

BEEE A UTIFUL. I love it. And I am sure that if the black gets the better of you it will look just as good :)


Designs on 47th Street said...

Your project turned out really, really nice!!! I love how it looks. It was great and even greater with the candlestand! I'm sure it would look great in black, but the white gives it a "royal" look. :)

What exactly does the glaze do over the paint??

Tammy @ tinselshop.com said...

Chelsea, that is so cute! I want it for my bathroom!!!

Best wishes,

Danielle @ Transforming Home said...

That is awesome! I love your "Queen" tag - perfect!!
Another great idea!


Miss Mustard Seed said...

I love everything you did. And I really like it in white with the glaze. Much more interesting than black. Nice choices!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

I love this...you are soooo creative!!! Wonderful!!!


Abbey @ Practically Perfect said...

SOOOO cute! I wish you would come visit me. You'd have so many great ideas for all my "before" accessories! Thanks for always inspiring me!

girl meets carpenter said...

Looks Fabulous! I may just go to our TJ Maxx in hopes of finding the same thing :)

Amy Eileen said...


Heidi said...

You made the right choice with the HW and the glaze. Unlike other pieces, I think this one would lose some of its charm in black. Nice touches with the decorative paper, tag, and jewels :-)

Kim @ Cheap Chic Home said...

So cute! You might want to add to the tag (in Mary Engelbreit's words) "It's good to be queen!" ;)

Unknown said...

Honestly that is just spectacular! I would never have thought of that in a million million million years!


Invited In said...

You must have amazing thrift stores in your town. What a great idea! I never would have thought to put the two pieces together.....very clever! My daughter would love to have that piece in her room:)

Jane said...

That project turned out fabulous. The addition of the base to the crown was perfect! I'm going to have to get some of the Ralph Lauren glaze!

Molly Anne said...


Enough said. :)

Tammy said...

WoW! Now that was creative! I loved how it turned out! Are you sure you dont want to have another giveaway and make that the prize??

blushing rose said...

I agree with Tammy, this should be a giveaway ... hmmmmmmmmmm? Beautiful creation.

Pop over for our TRIPLE GIVEAWAY.
Have a lovely eve. TTFN ~Marydon

Lynette said...

How very pretty they are - love it in white! Perfect for the "queen" of the house!

Jacey Autumn Photography said...

WOW i absolutely love it!

Jen @ tatertotsandjello.com said...

Holy cow! I love that project! I love how you put it on the little stand too. Darling!


Kris said...

Well if that isn't ever so stinkin' cute, I don't know what is. On the lookout for a crown now!!

Angie said...

Girl you really are brilliant!!

David and Christine said...

I love it! Going to TJMAXX tomorrow.

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Looks so great! I just picked up a wood candle/pedestal now I just need to find the crown. The cream color looks perfect!

~ Regan said...

Very clever... I love little bits like this!

Jill said...

Oh my gosh... this is so cute and so very creative.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful makeover!! I just found a crown that I had purchased this summer in a bag forgotten and feeling not very regal! I love the white look and will have to get out my can of paint! Love how you perched the crown on a pedestal too!! Cute Cute

Sherri said...

Wowzers! BEAUTIFUL! Can't beat the price tag either. You dressed her up to shine!

sarah said...

WoW! That is so beautiful!!

Stefanie said...

Beautiful! I want one!!!

2sisters said...

What vision!!! Don't think I would've put those together or thought to put the paper in the bottom. Turned out well.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Morning!!!! Well you and I are going to get along just fine,a girl after my own heart ....that crown is soooooooooo cute,I am still mad about them!!! Thank you so much for the nice note you left me,all the best Chrissy

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Fit for a queen.

Dawn said...

Chelsea!!!! That is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

I love it!!!

Thanks for visiting Eventually Cottage and for the sweet comments on my Princess sign. If you are interested in one for your daughter, email me at eventuallycottage@yahoo.com


Karen @ Elsie Eleanor Designs said...

Love it! You are so talented!

Nice and Easy Antiques said...


Kimmy said...

Oh my word! I absolutely LOVE that! What a great redo! Thanks for sharing.

Heather Henderson said...

i love how it turned out - it reminds me of the one from Ballard Designs - that is $89! http://www.ballarddesigns.com/jump.jsp?itemType=PRODUCT&itemID=11492&fromNewSearch=true&mercadoResultId=5

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love it!!! Especially not that it is on a pedestal. Every queen needs to be on a pedestal!!!

Gypsy Heart said...

Just found your blog...and LOVE the crown! Very creative ~

Tara@ Just Devine Style said...

This is such a great transformation. It is totally cute!

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

You lucky girl, I've been looking for thick candlesticks at my thrift stores and haven't been able to find any! I love the crown. You turned it from kinda cute to gorgeous!!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Oh my gosh, you FINISHED what TJ Max forgot to do is what you did. The new look is adorable!

And I'm totally with Kathy. Go pick up another and do it black. You know you want to. :)

p.s. it's adorable in white!

Thanks for linking up to SNS #5!

Funky Junk Donna

GypsyRose said...

Fabulous makeover!

Suzie said...

This is fantastic. Makes me want to run to TJ MAXX now.

Elder Esplin said...

I visit your blog often. You do great things! I'm excited to see you at the Rust-oleum Revamp! FUN,FUN! I love the crown, it is too cute. I need one!

Jenny said...

I so wish I was creative! This is adorable!

Lana Kim White Austin said...

I love it. Awesome, awesome, awesome!
Hugs, Lana

trish said...

Oh my goodness! I love it.
I am a new follower of your blog, as of this morning. :o) I can't wait to take the time to visit all of your posts!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne


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