Friday, November 20, 2009

Kids Thanksgiving Table ~

So I figured out the kids table for Thanksgiving! I did a trial run last night (I think my husband thought I had lost my marbles). Here is the before...
I was going to lay out butcher paper, but while at Fred Meyer, I picked up this Postal Kraft Wrapping Paper for $4.99.

I started by cutting two pieces and taping them together with my One Arm Bandit - yes, that is really the name of my tape dispenser.

And then laid it on the table. Originally I was thinking of having it hang over the sides, but the paper was just too stiff.

So I rubbed the edges with my hand to "trace" the tabletop.

I then traced the fold in pencil,

and cut out the circle.

So here it is - but what about that awful tape seam???

So I grabbed a table runner and off I went.

The fun part about the packing paper is the kiddos can color all over the "tablecloth". I mean who doesn't want to color on the table! I grabbed a couple little containers for the crayons but I think I might pick up another set so everyone can have their own. I also (thanks to my good friend Jonni) bought pipe cleaners and beads for the kids to make bracelets and necklaces while they dine.

I added a few fall veggies and some pine cones to seal the deal.

And for the place card holders, I just used a pine cone. This is super simple and upon sitting down, they can literally put the pine cone in the center of the table and add to the decor.So now I am onto the "grownup" table. Have a great weekend!


Moore Minutes said...

This is perfect!! The kids are going to feel so lucky and have such a fun time.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a fun idea for the kids table. They will have so much fun making things and coloring. This is just ingenius. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Fun table, Chelsea! You might wind up with some of the adults wandering over to that table!

Kimberly said...

how cool is that.

Unknown said...

Brilliant idea! Thank you!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

What an amazing idea. Munchkins would have a blast with that!

Borrowed Bungalow said...

So fun! The kids are going to feel so special sitting at that table. Good idea with the beads and pipe cleaners, that will keep them very busy.

Wendy said...

You keep making my Thanksgiving day easier and easier! The kids will love this! (and I'll add your apple placecard holder)
Thanks a bunch!!


Crafty minds think alike. I am planning to cover the kids table so they can doodle and after dinner it will be ready for a fun kids craft project. Thanks for sharing. I so enjoy your blog!!!!

Angie said...

I had NO doubt it would turn our brilliant! Can't wait to see the grown ups!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

This is the cutest thing I have ever seen...I can see using these same principles for so many different applications!!!

I just love it...the kiddos at your Thanksgiving feast sure are lucky;)!!!


Janean said...

if this is the kid's table...i cannot wait to see the adult table!!! wow.

~ Regan said...

Ha! You should do the same for the 'grown up' table!! Who says we don't like to doodle?? ;) and clean up could be a breeze!

Tammy said...

What a fun idea! When we go to the MAcaroni Grill they cover their tables with paper and the kids love to draw. I think my husband enjoys it the most!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh, Chelsea....this just couldn't be more perfect......How charming. And, I'm sure the kidlets are going to love it.

Warm blessings,

Deb said...

what a cute table...the kids will love did a great job...

Katy @ Eat Drink & Decorate said...

super cute idea!!! Can I sit at the kids table instead of witht the adults??? :-)


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