Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mid-Month Be Inspired Link Party ~

Okay ladies and gentlemen - lets see those fabulous projects and creative ideas that you have been working on this last month. Inspire us!

And for the "Party rules":
1. Select any project that YOU created that you think will inspire someone else.
2. Add a link of your post to the party - make sure it is a link to the specific post not your blog.
3. Give a short description of your project so we can all see what you are highlighting.
4. Please add a link to this party in your post so everyone can head over and join in the fun!
Linky Tools


Anonymous said...

Well Good Morning to you! I hope you have a great party and thank you so much for hosting! I'm feeling inspired already and it's only 5:47 a.m.

Amanda said...

Thank you so much for hosting this! :)

Apron Senorita said...

Love the ideas on your blog. I like the Dollar Store Pots you posted. That is so creative and affordable.

Yoli :)

Sawdust Girl said...

I've already been inspired several times this morning by clicking on the few links above. Can't wait to check back in after the rest of the world wakes up and joins. :o) Thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

Hi: I just posted a furniture piece I had worked on. Thanks for doing this party! I haven't done this in quite a while; glad I stopped by today!

the cape on the corner said...

this is a surprise, and i wanted to tell you that i love what you did with the dollar store planters you got. that whole vignette is just so interesting, and seems so you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting. I am off to see what projects will inspire me this week :)

Moore Minutes said...

Hi Chelsea! This is my first time doing your party. There are some amazing link ups! Thank you. <3


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