
Friday, March 5, 2010

Be Inspired Wrap Up ~

I want to thank everyone who linked up and visited for the first Be Inspired link party! There were a lot of great projects and ideas. Here are a few of the great ideas:

Emily at Frilly Details made these -
She took these thumbnail photos that we all have when get our photos printed out and made these great magnets with flat gem marbles...

Jen at Noting Grace used a cabinet door
 To make a family sign.

 And Becky at Beyond the Picket Fence is the winner of the $30 Target Gift Card! I just love this unique take on a Spring wreath.  She literally took the springs out of an old boxspring mattress!

And made this great wreath. 

Thank you everyone for linking up and I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


  1. when I saw the box springs pic, I thought it was a slinky! I wonder if that would work?? Much easier to come by than box springs.

    I agree--the projects were great. Thanks for hosting!

  2. All the projects are just wonderful. I can't get over how crafty everyone is. Love it all. Hugs, Marty

  3. Thanks for featuring my Gem Magnets!!! You made my day :)

    Hope you have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! Here in Kansas, the weather is starting to FINALLY warm up. YAY!!!

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those magnets!!

  5. Thanks for featuring my wreath--I am honored. As to the comment above, I don't think a slinky would hold its shape.

  6. I love that wreath!! Totally fabulous. I want to make something like that.

  7. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful blog party, Chelsea! And THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for featuring my door makeover. I am incredibly honored - especially since you were part of the inspiration.

  8. Thanks for hosting such a wonderful blog party, Chelsea! And THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for featuring my door makeover. I am incredibly honored - especially since you were part of the inspiration.

  9. Chelsea,
    I can't believe I missed your party! You have some creative readers! Thanks for hosting, I hope you do it again. Have a great weekend!

    Best wishes,

  10. Hey Girlie! I am awarding you with the "Beautiful Blog" award. Check out my blog!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite


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