Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Anniversary Giveaway 2 ~

Amaco has graciously provided me with an AMAZING selection of Rub n' Buff for my giveaway today! I am thrilled for the lucky winner...there are a few colors here I haven't tried and I kinda want to hold back for myself (but I won't)!
Finishes included in the giveaway: 
Ebony, Spanish Copper, Ruby, Grecian Gold, Gold Leaf, Silver Leaf, Pewter and Patina. 

As you all know, I am a huge fan of this product - I love the ease of application and the wonderful finishes (my favorites are Ebony and Grecian Gold). 

I recently showed off how quickly I transformed this using the Grecian Gold:

**Giveaway Now Closed**

So if you would like to be the winner of this wonderful set all you have to do is:
* Leave a comment on this post
* Become a follower of this blog
* Blog or Facebook about the giveaway
Be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry!

Winner will be announced Wednesday August 10th!
Good Luck!
And if you don't win and are interested in picking some up, you can find it at your local Michaels, Hobby Lobby, art supply stores and on the web at am telling you, you will love this stuff!


Anonymous said...

It's exciting to be the first. Great giveaway. Congrats on your anniversary. One year? It doesn't seem possible!

Heather L. said...

I've been dying to try this after reading about it on your blog! I'd love to win - thanks!!!

Heather L. said...

I'm already a follower =) Love your blog! thanks again!

Vanessa said...

Very interesting product, I'd love to play with that. Happy anniversary!

Vanessa said...

And I'm already a follower :)

Allie said...

Oh I could do so many projects!

Allie said...

I am a follower

Cakes by Delilah said...

I am already a follower and love reading your blog!

Cakes by Delilah said...

I'm very interested in trying this product. Excited for a chance a win!

lawanda said...

Happy Anniversary. Your blog is so fun to follow, with all your great craft ideas. It would be fun to see what kind of things could be made with this product! I have some knobs on a dresser that I could use it on! The only problem would be deciding which color... :)

lawanda said...

I am already following your blog and love it!

Emily {Frilly Details} said...

What a great giveaway!!! Count me in :)

Emily {Frilly Details} said...

I'm a happy follower :)

JunqueMagnet said...

Excited for the opportunity to win and try these out.Thanks.

JunqueMagnet said...

I am indeed a follower.

Oliver's said...

I became a follower....even though my mom always told me to lead! lol Love your blog, Paula

Oliver's said...

I have seen these products on your blog and am in the middle of a guest bath re-do where I can finally try them out. I think I will change light fixtures with some rubbing instead of replacing them completely. Great giveaway, Paula

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

Great giveaway! Count me in!

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

I am already a follower!

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

I put your giveaway on my sidebar! Hope it helps!

Lisa said...

Would love to try this product! Looks easy to use with great results. Thanks for your blog and wonderful ideas. Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

What a great product! Would LOVE to try it :)

Anonymous said...

I am already a follower :)

Terrell said...

Ohhh be sure and count me in!!! I love the look Rub n buff makes!! I'd love to win. I'm already a follower of you lovely blog too :D
Hugs to you
~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

Krista@RustikChic said...

Happy BLOG Anniversary:) I would love to win this...I have always wanted to try it! Thanks

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

Oh I've so wanted to try these and have not yet, I'd love to win them, great giveaway!

Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Heather Henderson said...

this is such an awesome giveaway!!!

Heather Henderson said...

i'm a follower.

Kendra@My Insanity said...

I've really been wanting to try these out!

Kendra@My Insanity said...

I'm a follower! said...

I love your Blog, you are so inspiring!!Would love to try these out:)

Debi said...

love this stuff!!!

Nana's Fun Stuff said...

Oh my goodness!! What a great giveaway. I purchased my first tube of the the Rub n Buff and have used it on a few projects. I love it!!

Nana's Fun Stuff said...

I'm a follower of yours too :)

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

I'd love some of this I've been eyeing things around the house to use this on!

licha20 said...

I'm a follower!!
Love your blog.

licha20 said...

I have been wanting to try these products!! Have heard great results come out of these!
Congrats on your anniversary!!

Ami Allison said...

awesome giveaway!!! :)

Ami Allison said...

I have been following!! *winks*

Ms. Bake-it said...

I have seen so many DIY bloggers talking about and showing off projects using Rub n' Buff and would love to try it. Showing my ignorance about it... I did not realize there were so many finishes!

~ Tracy

Ms. Bake-it said...

I am a happy follower!

Ms. Bake-it said...

I posted about your giveaways on my sidebar with a link back to you!

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

I LOVE rub n buff and must win this! Thanks for the opportunity!


Check out my awesome giveaway from Lisa Leonard HERE
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!!

Morgan//Nuts and Bows said...

I follow your blog!


Check out my awesome giveaway from Lisa Leonard HERE
Meet Virginia!
Meet Virginia!!

Elsina said...

I tried these before, but bought the wrong colors, would love to try these.

Elsina said...

I was already a follower.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I had no idea they had that many choices! What fun to experiment with though!

Britney said...

I'm a follower!! Thanks

Britney said...

I would love to try this stuff out! Thanks!

TJ, Kaylan, Miles, Perry & Simon said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! I would love to try this!

TJ, Kaylan, Miles, Perry & Simon said...

I follow your blog!

fabulousmrsg said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!

Mommara said...

I have just the thing to use this on.

Mommara said...

I follow this blog :)

Laurie in SC said...

I would love to win and try the Rub and Buff!! Thanks for the opp!

Laurie in SC said...

I am a follower of your lovely blog! And happy to be so!

Laurie in SC said...

I am facebooking about this giveaway, too.

sp said...

I have always been intrigued by this stuff. Hope I win, thank you for this offering!

moondiva said...

Happy anniversary!!!! Your ideas always inspire could I use this collection of Rub n' Buff..I have a gold and silver that are probably 20 years old...a little goes a looooong way!

moondiva said...

I am a follower!!!

moondiva said...

Added your giveaway to my facebook.!/profile.php?id=1359401802

Shana said...

Looks like cool stuff! I already know what I'd try it on!! Happy Anniversary!!

Love the Decor! said...

I love this stuff!! Happy Anniversary sweet Chelsea!!

Love the Decor! said...

I am a follower of your great creativity!!

Love the Decor! said...

I am a follower of your great creativity!!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Happy anniversary! I would love to try some new colors of Rub n Buff. I have only used the patina and it is great.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Of course I am a follower.

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway...would love this!

Anonymous said...

And, I'm already a follower....

ACB said...

What an awesome giveaway!! I <3 Rub n Buff! :)

ACB said...

I'm a follower :)

Connie said...

I would LOVE to win your giveaway. I've been reading your blog for several months now.

Lindy said...

I'm a new follower but have been reading you for a while!

Lindy said...

My mother used this product years ago so it has to be good if it is still around...

melinda said...

I think I would like to try this product. I just painted some flower pots a sort of grecian gold and love how they look. Congrats and thanks !

Sandi said...

Would love this for accents on the furniture I have been working on.

Put my name in the hat.


Sandi said...

Have been a follower.


Cathy K said...

Happy Anniversary! I have been following your blog for a few months now and LOVE IT! Thanks for the inspiration! Would love to try this stuff - heard it's amazing! Thanks!

Family said...

thanks for the giveaway! ya!!

Family said...

I follow, thanks!

Heidi said...

oh this would be awesome to win, I have NEVEr used rub n buff before!

parnow said...

Great info on your blog, thanks for sharing. Love all the colors and use it often - wishing for all the colors

shabbyloft said...

I am a follower. Stanna

shabbyloft said...

I love this stuff. Stanna

shabbyloft said...

Love your etsy, Stanna

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

This looks like it would be fun to play with!

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

and I follow, too

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

I;ve never used this stuff but have seen lots of great projects done with it.. would love to try.

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

I'm a follower ..

Anonymous said...

Saw rub and buff on a previous blog of yours and picked up the ebony for a project. Really love this stuff! I'd love a complete set to choose from.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this product. Not sure I've been to your site before but have enjoyed my visit this morning.


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