Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten ~

Today was the day. 

The day my kiddos became elementary students. 

The day they grew up.
The day I got teary-eyed. 

The day they got to share together.
Today, was their first day of kindergarten.


Linda said...

I remember those days! From my oldest two 'children' 48and 45 years old! Then my youngest 26 and 23 years old. Some things never change! Savor every moment and DON'T BLINK!!

Anonymous said...

wow nice pics...those are lovely memories

Becky @ The Shea Family said...

Great photos of your adorable kids! My youngest, Jakob, started kindergarten last thursday!

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

Aw, they look so cute! I hope they are having lots of fun at school! Hang in there mommy. I know it can be hard when the little ones start growing up. :)

-Lauren said...

So sweet! They are ahead of the game with that great handwriting! (Coming from a teacher) They will love it :)

lafamigliadesignllc said...

So darling, can't believe they are now old enough...and so it begins... xxo Monica

KM Studios said...

aww that was sweet!


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