
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lovin' this Space ~

I am sure a lot of you have seen this amazing house tour by now, it is Gerard Butler's loft in Manhattan. And all I can say is  - I am in love! The space is simply amazing, and it just so happens I might, just might have a little crush on Gerard as well!

I have decided that as Summer is right around the corner, I am going to be holding Be Inspired Linky Party only once a month - maybe a "get me over the creative hump, mid month link party". The next party will be held on June 16th. But be sure to head over tomorrow, as I will be having a great giveaway!

I hope you all had a wonderful, and hopefully relaxing Memorial Day weekend!


  1. That's his loft? I hadn't seen it before so thanks for sharing. Who doesn't have a crush on him and that Irish accent?


  2. Oh my, what lots of money can buy! Such a beautiful space. I think I'm in love too!

  3. wow! that's gorgeous!!

  4. I'd seen some of it before but you had some new ones so YAY!! Lovin' the house and the man as well!! ;)

  5. Gosh. I love this space too. I can easily see myself sipping coffee in that kitchen every morning.

  6. OMG!! Love this space...and love Gerard as well. Well how can you not ;)

  7. Welllll if I wasn't a fan before I'm a fan of his now. The man has great taste!! lol AMAZING place.

  8. I love it too!! What a gorgeous place for a gorgeous hunk O'man (I can't belive I just said that!)

  9. A sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. What a romantic place - loved it~ felt like I was in a castle for a few moments. Ciao, bella!

  10. Just beautiful. I love the mix of rustic with elegance.

  11. Oh wow! I don't think I could live in a house like that! It's much too fancy for me!

  12. Gorgeous! Pure and gorgeous and perfectly complicated.
    Thank you for the sweet comment on my guest post at The Shiny Pebble. I am off to explore your blog...

  13. I could live there! Just give me a second to run pack a bag!!!


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