
Monday, April 12, 2010

Stripping for the First Time ~

  Now, just to be clear - when I say stripping, I mean this kind -

Yesterday afternoon, I dove into my first stripping experience. The sun was out, the kids were down for their nap and I had a couple hours ahead of me. I started with this table that I picked up from the Goodwill for $14.99.

The top was a bit hammered...

So, I started there. I was initially thinking I would strip and stain the top and paint the bottom black. Here it is right after I applied the Citristrip.

And here it is with the top stripped and almost clean.

Now at this point the top was lookin' great and the bottom was just SO shiny,

So, I decided to be crazy like that and strip the bottom. Now do you see that bottom - all of those details, I am not exactly sure what I was thinking. 

But here it is, all stripped and (mostly) clean! As you can see the weather changed dramatically from beginning to end and I was sure I was going to get rained the rest of the prep work will be today.

I know this is kind of a long post for just a strip job, but I was so excited after my first experience. I feel much more seasoned now and ready to tackle the re-staining!


  1. nice piece of furniture - i'm sure it will be lovely when it's finished!

  2. Ha! Love your title, Chelsea! Thanks for the smile on a Monday morning. : ) I think you did great for a first time. I probably would have been hesitant about the bottom, too, what with all the detail there. Great little table, too!

  3. A sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. I'm really impressed at how well this little table turned out. I've had my share of 'strippers' and it's not an easy job, especially details like those table legs. Well done!
    Ciao, bella!

  4. I am so impressed with how good of a job you did. It is really a pretty table. I feel inspired to tachle one of my own.

  5. Ooh, you made stripping look so easy! Hmm, stripping and easy in the same sentence....I will have to try this product for my project!

  6. very well done!! it's so fun isn't it? I seriously am astonished you got that done all while the kids were napping!!

  7. that looks amazing, but can you help me you strip something if you want to keep it wood colored? how did you know you weren't supposed to sand, and then stain? one of these days i will get the courage to do something like this on my own, and i wanna try to do it right. thanks so much, and it looks great!

  8. Great Job!!!
    That table is very cute!!
    You Know that wood came out soo nice maybe you would just want to wax it up & keep it natural.
    Just a thought.
    Good work though!!

  9. Your table is wonderful. I love all the carving and curls on the legs. Beautiful. Great job on stripping it. Hugs, Marty

  10. Oh, can't wait for the reveal! Do you live in So. Cal?

  11. Wow! You are so brave! I think all of the detail would have scared me away! Great job!


  12. Oh that's great! I'm planning on re-finishing this piece of furniture for our dining room and you gave me a great idea! I will check out the Citristrip and see how it works. From the looks of it, it would make the job a lot easier. Thanks!
    By the way, great table. Can't wait to see the finished look :)
    ~ Calu

  13. Oh, that looks sooo great! Seriously, you will be so glad you too the time to strip it like that. I love the table too! It has so many great curves & details. I can't wait to see the finished project.

  14. It looks great!! I recently bought an antique table for a steal and was going to paint it. The wood on your table looks so pretty; now I'm wondering if I should strip it instead, hmmmmm.

  15. Personally, I'm glad your stripping post was long- I need all the help & info I can get! This is the type of project I've been wanting to tackle for a while but have been too afraid to try. That table is adorable; can't wait to see the finished product!

  16. I think that it is going to be a great piece when you get finished with it. I have a piece that I am working on but I am using some kinda spray stripper.

    Can't wait to see it stained.

  17. HA! Great title! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  18. Best stripper lingering odor and less toxicity. I use it all the time. Now, how will you be finishing your table??

  19. You go girl! VERY nice job for a first time! And what a pretty table; I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  20. Good one! Can't wait to see how this project turns out!

  21. love the shape of the table, be sure to show us the finished project! I am far too impatient and usually end up with a quick sand, prime and paint. Good for you for doing it properly!

  22. Wow, this is a gorgeous piece of furniture and the stripping job looks great. It looks fantastic like it is, can't wait to see the rest of the story.

  23. WOW! You are so daring!! Thanks for the encouragement!

    Check out my new


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  24. Chelsea~ I'm always in favor of using more organic products. This one looked like it worked well, especially around the nooks and crannies. Would you recommend it?
    The table has a wonderful style. I'm curious to whether you'll re-stain or paint it.

    Sweet wishes,

  25. Stripping - ugh! You did a great job. Great find!!!

  26. wow, looks so much nicer already.. great find! the wood is really pretty, i hope it shows after your stain.

    good luck and thanks for sharing. :)


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