
Friday, April 9, 2010

Simple Centerpiece~

 So I decided out with the Easter and in with something "new". So I grabbed a few things...mind you, nothing here is really new.

The wood wall plaque is from Ross, I bought if for-eva ago and surprise, surprise the price tag was still attached - I bought that bad boy for $7.99. A handful of wood "feet" from Michael's. A lovely faux plant that has weathered quite nicely over the years. A metal bowl (that I love). And a book wreath - you know you all have one by now! And I simply assembled....

I started by spray painting the "feet" black. Once dry, I glued them onto the wood wall plaque. 

And then I layered in my miscellaneous items...

I like the simplicity. Keep it simple - right?

Have a fan-tab-ulous weekend!


  1. I love this centerpiece. The colors, textures, and simplicity are beautiful!

  2. Love it! So easy and simple but looks like a million bucks! I still don't have a book wreath. It just might have to be put on my to do list!

  3. This does make a great looking and simple centerpiece. What type wood do you use to attach the feet? I like the idea of adding feet to make things seem to have more pazazz! Great job.

  4. Lovely, and just enough to be eye catching. So creative to put all these various items together for such a stunning piece. Great work. Hugs, Marty

  5. Absolutely, keeping it simple is wonderful for this time of year! I love how you brought everything together to make such a nice centerpiece {and that you already had it all}.

  6. that looks amazing. i love the the book wreath encircling the plant!

  7. Wonderful! Love the simplicity!

    Enjoy the beautiful spring weekend!

  8. awww thats cute! very organic and simple! Well done!

  9. Beautiful and simple... has my idea wheel going... mmmmm...

  10. Wow.. so simple and yet so elegant. Beautifully put together.

  11. Lovely! :) Simple and fresh...I like it.

  12. You are so creative. Very nice.

    Have a good weekend.

  13. Hello Chelsea I've missed my visits, but little by little I'm catching up.
    Although last month was difficult with our loses a new month has brought new hope.
    I poured myself a cup of tea and read a spell.
    This centerpiece will be soo versatile as more bloom sprout up.
    I'm so excited to see more of spring. I look forward to applying it's inspirational palette of colors into a few DIY decorations and gifts, with a little baking/cooking in between.
    Don't you love the aroma that fills the air during this season?
    It's definitely invigorating.

    Sweet wishes,

  14. I love that your could see that beautiful center piece in those random pieces!!!!

  15. LOVE it! What a great little vignette.



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