
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Be Inspired Link Party ~

   Here are a few more great ideas from last weeks party:

The Craft Monkey took these -  

and made great wall art with photos textured with Mod Podge.

Cinnaberry Suite took these stacking hat boxes -

 And transformed them with some fun pink spray paint and some very cool labels.
Nikki's Nifty Knacks created Ballard Designs inspired wall letters -

with muslin, $1 foam wreaths and $1 letters.

Okay, bring on your great projects for us to Be Inspired!

The Party Rules:
1. Select any project that YOU created that you think will inspire someone else.
2. Add a link of your post to the party - make sure it is a link to the specific post not your blog. 
3. Give a short description of your project so we can all see what your are highlighting.
4. Please add a link to this party in your post so everyone can head over and join in the fun.


  1. Thanks for hosting, Chelsea! Wonderful ideas from last week's linky!

  2. Wow, how exciting to see my little pictures highlighted on today's post! Thanks so much for sharing my project & hosting this fun party!!

  3. Thanks for hosting! :) Looking forward to browsing through the other links!

    ~Karla @ It's The Little Things...

  4. Hey Chelsea! I'm excited for another day of inspiration. Thanks for sharing my project with the world! =) Can't wait to see everyones ideas.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  5. I am so happy to have found your blog and love seeing all of the neat things people come up with! Thanks for stopping by to say hello yesterday! Big hugs, Trac~ :o)


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