
Friday, February 12, 2010

Shabby Chic Valentine Cone ~

My daughter was the lucky reciepent of this magnificent Valentine's gift from Monica at La Famiglia Design!

I just love all of the sweet details that Monica added. 
The key is adorable...

 The tags are so sweet...

And her name tag is perfect...

Be sure to head over to her blog for a tutorial. She also had a romantic Valentine display using a riddling rack that I just love. 

I hope you all have a great weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very creative and elegant! As usual!

  3. Very pretty! Love those cones so much!

    Glad you liked my little tags - I've had so much fun with those - thanks to you!!

    Happy Heart Day to you and your family!

  4. This is gorgeous...I love it! I am heading over there right now!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. This is just the sweetest valentine! I love how it lists inside hug & kiss. So sweet :)

  6. Thanks for coming by and leaving a message...somehow I lost track of your blog and couldn't remember the I am a follower!

  7. Hello Chelsea ~I didn't want to miss the opportunity to come by and wish you a Happy Valentines Day.
    Sometimes our lives can become very busy making it difficult to return visits. I truly appreciate you taking the time to not only visit but, especially for leaving me with your sweet comments.
    It inspires my creativity. It's always a joy to see what you've been cooking and creating too.
    Thank you for sharing. I will be sure to visit Monica next.
    I hope you can stop by for some V-Day fun. I've posted a tutorial on Conversation Heart Petit fours.

    Sweet Valentine Wishes,

  8. Is there any end to all these amazingly clever and creative people out there in blogland? Love this gorgeous thing! Hope you're having a lovely weekend. Leigh

  9. Hi! Ok about the re-heating of the breakfast burritos... We just pop them in the mic for about 2 mins. on high. They are yummy! Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a Happy Valentines Day!

  10. Pretty cone. I made cones for my bloggers tea last week and they were all different and all so pretty but I really like the little ribbon idea at the bottom. Happy Valentine's day.

  11. I love the Valentine cone. It's gorgeous.


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