
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Loving Chocolate...The Color ~

House Beautiful

Southern Living

Elle Decor


John Jacob Interiors

House Beautiful


  1. So yummy! I love chocolate too ... you can put so many great accent colors with it. It's definitely the new black to me!

  2. I agree! Our upstairs hallway is painted a milk chocolate color, and I love it so much that I am considering painting the whole foyer in it!

  3. Those are gorgeous pictures! I especially like the chocolate shades on the chandelier in that first picture.

  4. I have a lot of chocolate in my house! Both edible and not! Love both!!

  5. I have been dreaming of a chocolate and white bathroom. And that star light in the bottom pic has been on my wishlist for years...

    Best wishes,

  6. The chocolate paint is sitting on the floor of my bathroom as we speak waiting for my hubby to start! I can't wait

  7. I love chocolate too! Thank goodness a chocolate wall or two won't make you fat!

  8. I think I will always love this color! Just so darn warm and inviting. Great photos!

  9. Gorgeous images. Who can resist chocolate - not me! Leigh

  10. I love this color - I especially love the bathroom in the last picture!

  11. Love the pretty rooms and who can resist anything chocolate? Not me!

    I have a question about your previous post and didn't see an email so hope you don't mind if I ask you here?
    How do you make your tags for your projects - like the one you did for the pedastal (sp?)? Is that just cardstock you handcut and pasted on another sheet of cardstock? And, did you stamp it with your initial and then stamp it with another "lacy" stamp? I can't quite get my head around that and when I go to Michael's or JoAnn's I just get overwhelmed or sidetracked by other goodies! ;-)

    You can email me through my blog or just answer on my blog - either way is fine if you get a minute I'd really appreciate it. I am just so fascinated by those tags - I'm so very easily entertained and I'm really enjoying your blog and ideas. I've already got the makings for my own "skeleton graveyard" for next year!

    Thanks so much and Happy Thursday to you!

  12. I love the color of chocolate too (and the color of money!). But I did our living room brown and it looks like chocolate milk... I've kept it for 2 years but have to change it! I love these chocolates though! Love your blog!

  13. I desperately want to paint my house this far only one room....but there WILL be more! lol

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