
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Thrift Find Turn Pedestal ~

Okay, so I am on a roll. Here is another Goodwill find next to a $1 frame from Michaels. Align Center

Here they are with a fresh coat of black spray paint.
I created a tag with the letter "P" and used a little jute to attach to my new pedestal.

I really love how the frame fit perfectly around the square top.

And here it is in its new color and new function! And for a grand tally of $2 - oh how I love the Goodwill.
I linked this project to DIY Day over at A Soft Place to Land. Go check out some more great ideas!


  1. Wow! Now that is using your imagination,that would have never popped in my head! I love it!

  2. Okay, now I'm just jealous! I need to shop at your Goodwill!

  3. Oooh, I loved your other one but I think this is my favorite! Great job! You are being very resourceful! :)

  4. I have Goodwill envy!
    This came out fabulous!

  5. Well, that was absolutely meant to be! That was pretty neat that the frame worked so well with the pedestal. Love your tag, too!

  6. I'm so jealous of your Goodwill finds! I love this and you are really good with transforming your great treasures.

  7. You have a beautiful blog. How fortunate that the frame fits perfectly on the pedestal.

  8. Look at that! So cute and it's just neat that the frame fit so perfectly. :)

  9. wow....I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! Suck great ideas and endless inspiration. Thanks for sharing it all! I look forward to following your blog :)

  10. Thanksfor stopping in....loved your pedestals and LOVED your cloche!!!!

  11. You inspired me to go junking today!! Thanks for the great eye candy!

  12. Love it! What a great idea! I am totally going to copy you:)

  13. I can't believe how perfectly those fit together! Awesome!

  14. This is such a SMART project!! But I especially LOVE that little tag you made. :) Your blog is amazing. I'm a new follower!


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