Monday, February 1, 2010

Valentine Inspiration ~

Here are a few great Valentine's Day inspirational photos from

I just love these tea bags!

I am pretty sure my kiddos and I will be making these this year for their school Valentine's.

I think this hand idea would be great from the kiddos to Daddy!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE these ideas! Thanks for the inspiration. The tea bags are my favorite : )

Wendy said...

Thanks for the inspiration! I love those tea bags! What a great idea!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ahhhhhh, those tea bags...I'm in love!

Sarah said...

The tea bags are so cute. And the cupcakes too! I'm going to start some v-day crafts and baking this week, thanks for the inspiration. :)

Kris said...

Cute ideas!!

Tammy @ said...

I LOVE the simplicity of these ideas escpecially the teapot! Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes,

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...
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Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Chelsea~I love Valentines Day, maybe because my Birthday is on Feb first putting me in a lovin' mood.
It's also when strawberries are (finally) back in the grocery stores. Who can pass up chocolate dipped strawberries...not this gal.

Sweet wishes,

Anonymous said...

that teapot might be the cutest ever!


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