
Friday, August 13, 2010

Late Summer Display ~

My Mom graciously gave my kiddos these beautiful hydrangeas out of her garden...

I just love hydrangeas - we have been admiring them for days on our kitchen counter!

I just love the vibrant colors...

I thew in some books, a tall white vase, a heavy finial, a couple birds and tea lights to twinkle it up a bit...

I am so amazed that these all came from the same bush...

I am sure you noticed I have been playing around with my blog design and layout...let me know what you think?
I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. How beautiful, I just adore hydrangeas! The colors are amazing! I may have mentioned yesterday that I LOVE your new look. Is it a blogger template?

    Best wishes,

  2. Wow, those are beautiful hydrangeas! They almost don't look real! Your blog is looking very sharp. Love the new look!

  3. hi chelsea!
    love the new look of your blog, it looks beautiful.
    thanks for your visit and comment on my Lego cake post.
    nice to 'see' you!

  4. The hydrangeas are beautiful and look great with your vignette. love the new blog design.

  5. Beautiful display...Those hydrangeas are unreal! The new blog layout looks great, too. :)

  6. This display is just BEAUTIFUL!! Those colors are amazing!! I'm loving your new look. I'd like to do a new one as my spare time. :D Have a great weekend, girly!

  7. I love the new look, Chelsea, and meant to say something yesterday, but I was so excited about winning one of your giveaways! : ) Love the hydrangeas ~ mine are all dried up now because of the horrible and humid Summer we've been havng this year. I did have one bush that couldn't make up its mind on color, but nothing like your Mom's! These are just beautiful.

  8. Hello Chelsea,

    I noticed the new changes. I meant to mention it yesterday. I think it looks great. Your mother's hydrangeas are gorgeous! Love the vignette.

    Have a great weekend!

    ~ Tracy

  9. I'm a fan of hydrangeas too, they're so beautiful. I love your display too :) And your blog, it looks great. I really like the change!

  10. i like the new look, i need a new one badly!

  11. awww they are lovely...I have one hydrangea bush but this year brought the Philly area so many heat waves this summer that it didnt do so well.
    Can i ask you - do you trim your bush before the frost? Im trying to figure out the best way to take care of mine.

  12. Wow Chelsea! They must bring you a smile everytime you see them. Beautiful indeed! That was awfully nice of mom to share :)

    BTW I love the new look of your blog,
    you did a great job!!!

  13. Those colors are so strong and bright. I love them in contrast to the drab little birds. Beautiful!

  14. Those are beautiful hydrangeas! Lovely display of them.


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