
Monday, August 23, 2010

Dining Room Table into Kids Table ~

Last week I posted about my recent Craigslist table. It was looking a little something like this, when my darling hubby said he didn't like it for our kitchen, and I decided I still wanted to keep it.

I decided I wanted to try and use it in the kiddos playroom. Now the base was clearly too tall, but my Mom spotted this bad boy at a garage sale close to my house. 

It is super sturdy, the PERFECT size and only 5 bucks!

I started by cleaning it really well with some soap and water - it was a bit icky. Then I spray painted it with Rust-oleum gray primer.

And topped it off with Rust-oleum satin black. 

And it was now ready to be assembled. Now I say "assembled" lightly. What I really mean is putting the top on the newly painted side table. I still need to bolt the two pieces together...

It is perfect...perfect size and perfect height. And I love that there is even a shelf on the bottom. 

And these adorable chairs I picked up at a rummage sale for $2 bucks each - I know, I should have bought all 20!

My kiddos love it! My daughter was coloring on her new table instantly. And before I knew it, they called me in to show me this:

They were so proud of themselves...needless to say, the table is perfect for the room and is already loved. 

Now I just need to figure out what to do with the base???

Linked to:
Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage
Furniture Feature Friday at Miss Mustard Seed's Creative Blog


  1. Wow, that looks great! Perfect size and shape - great job!

  2. Have you seen the Land of Nod children's tables? They look just like this! But yours is an original, and therefore much better :) Great idea, and it will be so functional for your kids too!

  3. That turned out great! Perfect height and the round table works so well for the kiddos!! Love it!

  4. Wow, that really turned out nice. Looks perfect for the kids space.
    Love it.

  5. Great job! I love the finished product!
    I can see some awesome candle holders made from the pillars in the base... Let us know what you do with them, they have a fantastic shape!

  6. Oh, this looks great! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those chairs!!!


  7. You can send it to me at: Kathy Passarette . . . : ) I love how you were able to use the top of it. Did hubby not like it because it was round or just in general? Maybe you could make a rectangular top for it and use it in your kitchen then. That base is so cool there has to be something you can do with it. If I wasn't sure what to do right now, I'd keep it on the side. You know how ideas pop up for things like this out of the blue!

  8. I would have never thought to put the two together. Very cool, and yes, with a lower shelf, it's perfect for the kiddos.

  9. Awesome recyceling skills Chelsea!!...i love that the kids took to it instantly..also love those little school chairs!! - they rock!!
    great post - i bet you'll spend just as much time at the new table as the kids

  10. What a great kids room would have had to spend a ton to have something that sturdy, beautiful and cool at a store...great job!

  11. What a find! I love how it turned out...and those cars lined up are pretty adorable!

    I hope you'll come participate in my link party today! It runs all week so come back and add more BOY projects! All About The Boy @ The Nifty Nest!


  12. LOVE THE TABLE! My favorite thing is the shelf! You couldn't have found/bought/created a more perfect table for the kids!

  13. Cute table and cute playroom. I am a little sad you had to loose that lovely base, but it turned out great none-the-less.


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