
Friday, July 9, 2010

More is Hot ~

Okay, so Summer is in full swing here - for us Seattle-ites, 90+ degrees and we are almost on the verge of melting! Thanks to my sister-in-laws pool (thank you, thank you Nicole) and some good ole' lemonade, we are good to go. Stay cool!

"This perennial favorite requires just 3 ingredients: lemon juice, sugar, and water. This means it won't take much time away from a leisurely summer afternoon to mix a batch. To make 2 quarts, pour 3 cups of fresh lemon juice (from about 20 lemons) through a fine sieve into a pitcher. Add 2 cups of superfine sugar, and stir until it has dissolved. Stir in 4 cups of water and some ice, and then garnish with lemon slices". -


  1. I have been making my mom's lemonade for years and everyone loves it. However it is with concentrated lemon juice, sugar, water and a squeezed orange. Yum, yum!!

  2. I'm telling you there the Universe is off it's axel- it has been GORGEOUS weather in Socal. Hasn't even sniffed 90 yet. Usually by this time we've been cooking for quite a while.

  3. MMMM Lemonade on a hot sunny just can't go wrong! Thank you for this recipe..I'm so going to have to try it out! :D
    Happy weekend to you, girly!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

  4. I love lemonade! I make mine with fresh lemons and simple syrup.

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    ~ Tracy

  5. Oh, Yes!! Love me a good cold glass of real lemonade!!

    its hot here too .. Ill be frying eggs on the sidewalk soon


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