
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mid-Month Be Inspired Link Party ~

As most of you know, during the Summer months I am going to be hosting the Be Inspired link party just once a month - mid month to be exact. It will be sort of a "get me over the mid-month creative hump" kinda party!

On a side note, I really enjoy having giveaways on my blog, and would love to be able to fill in remaining Wednesdays with a giveaway - so, please email me if you are interested in having a giveaway on my blog!

Okay, let us see it. Bring your most fabulous projects and creative ideas for the month - get us through our creative hump - or is it a slump?

And for the "Party rules":
1. Select any project that YOU created that you think will inspire someone else.
2. Add a link of your post to the party - make sure it is a link to the specific post not your blog.
3. Give a short description of your project so we can all see what you are highlighting.
4. Please add a link to this party in your post so everyone can head over and join in the fun!

Linky Tools


  1. Thanks for hosting this party, I can't wait to check out the other links and feel inspired!

  2. I'm always inspired here! Hope you're having a good Summer.

  3. OOps! Sorry...didn't mean to enter cutting board if you want to remove one...
    Thanks for hosting again! I look forward to seeing alot of talent out there! Rory

  4. Actually, I FORGOT you were doing a party today! I just hopped over to see what one of my favorite creative bloggers was up to. Being nosey pays off I guess.

  5. Thank you for hosting this link party!

  6. Thanks for hosting!!!

    ~Lori@ live,laugh,love,create :)

  7. Thanks so much for hosting girl! Hope you are having a great summer!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!!
    Meet Virginia!!!


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