
Monday, June 14, 2010

Bunco Baby ~

Last week I was lucky to host my neighborhood bunco - I am super lucky, not only do I have "neighborly" neighbors, but they are all super fun to hang out with!

I wanted to share my Mom's fantastic Tortellini Salad. It is always a hit and it is super easy to make.

2 - 12oz Package Cheese Tortellini - Cooked and Cooled
1 - 8 1/2 oz Water Packed Artichokes - Drained and Quartered
1 Cup Diced Tomatoes
1 Cup Crumbled Feta
1/2 Cup Sliced Black Olives
1/2 Cup Chopped Walnuts
Dressing- Mix the following together:
1/4 Cup White Wine Vinegar
1/4 Cup Chopped Green Onions
3 Cloves Garlic Chopped
1 Tablespoon Basil
1 teaspoon Dried Dill
1/2 Cup Oil
Then simply toss the cooked pasta, dressing and remaining ingredients together. I think it tastes much better after it has "marinated" for a few hours. Just make sure to toss before serving - and you might have to add a bit more dressing as the pasta can really soak it up.

Thanks ladies for a great night!


  1. I love to see what other people serve at Bunco as I am always looking for new ideas. It's my turn to host next month. Thanks for the looks really good! Love your wine choices too!

  2. Looks like a yummy recipe!
    I have something similar but not exact - thanks for sharing a version I have never seen before - gotta try it!

  3. Oh, our Bunco group in our neighborhood disbanned! I think some of the women were a little dysfunctional and it became work. Can I join yours, lol?

    Yummy looking recipe, I'll add that to my recipe page!

  4. Looks like a super chic Bunco party! I looove to play! It's so much fun with friends, food, and tons of laughter! Good times!!

  5. My friends and I do something similar! Love the prize and the pasta salad looks yummers:)

  6. Your recipe sounds yummy and your centerpiece is so pretty! The bunco ladies are very lucky : )

  7. You are soooo cute! Love the wine label;)!

    Your decorations are gorgeous and so creative...I can just here everyone oooohing and aaahhhing! I was at a luncheon this weekend and I kept thinking this lady needs to start reading blogs...her decor was yucky:(! Not to be mean or anything;)!

    This recipe looks so delicious...i am trying it this week!

    Great post sweet girl!


  8. Love that wine bottle label front and center in the last picture! : ) That salad looks and sounds so good, Chelsea! I would love to make that and be able to eat it, but my gluten free diet keeps me from wonderful pastas like tortellini.

  9. I def have to try that recipe. Sounds awesome....and I love you wine bottles!! Esp that one up front, funny

  10. That's funny we had the same "Bitch" wine at my last bunco!

  11. That salad looks soooo good!!!

  12. Thank you for sharing this great recipe. it looks yummy!


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