
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Be Inspired Link Party ~

Oops - for some reason this post didn't want to post! Here we go...

Welcome to Be Inspired link party!
Here are a few great ideas from last week:

Susan at Living With Punks created this adorable Land of Nod inspired floor cushion and has an awesome tutorial -

 Morgan Virginia at Meet Virginia made this fabulous scarf and gives you a step by step on how to make one for yourself -

Alix at Shadywood Chic transformed a headboard into this great coat rack - 

And for the "Party rules":
1. Select any project that YOU created that you think will inspire someone else.
2. Add a link of your post to the party - make sure it is a link to the specific post not your blog.
3. Give a short description of your project so we can all see what you are highlighting.
4. Please add a link to this party in your post so everyone can head over and join in the fun!


  1. Thanks for the party
    That headbord turned coat rack is awesome


  2. Look at all the fun stuff. I love Wednesday!

  3. I adore those floor cushions! So cute and functional!

    Thanks so much for hosting!

  4. Thanks so much for featuring me it made my day!! And thanks for hosting!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  5. I ♥ all the great stuff everyone has linked up! Thanks for hosting such a fun little party!

  6. Looks like a great list so far.

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