
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

$7 Rummage Sale Mirror ~

I recently picked up this mirror at a local rummage sale. 

Yep, that little tag says $7 big ones. I knew right away that with a little paint, he would look great in our Master Bedroom.

So I painted him black - of course.

After it was dry, I lightly sanded the edges. 

And here he sits...

You gotta love - rummage sales! 

Linked up to:
DIY Day at a Soft Place to Land


  1. What a great buy and the new look is fabulous! :o)
    *I am hosting a give a way every Monday of this month and would love to have you join in the fun*

    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  2. Wow... i just said the same thing. And found the goldmine of tag sales (what they are called in my area) this weekend. Sill glowing over my finds.

  3. Great buy, Chelsea, and it looks great black! I never even noticed the rosettes in the corner in the before picture.

  4. Looks great! What brand and sheen of paint do you use...oh and what color? The latest black I purchased was blah! Paula

  5. What a find as usual! I need to shop with you! Love the redo!

  6. Chelsea, This turned out amazing! I love thr finishing technique you use. Fabulous! It looks like it was an original part of your set. Love it!

  7. THat works perfectly in your room!! Great find! Isn't it amazing that people would sell this kind of stuff so cheap?? Lovin the distressed black!

  8. It looks PERFECT, like it has always been there!

    Best wishes,

  9. It totally looks like it came as a piece with your dresser! And a $7 price tag, you just can't beat that! :)

  10. That mirror looks like it was meant to be there. You did a great job fixing her up. It looks really great on top of your dresser!

  11. I was thinking the same thing, that mirror looks like it was made to go with the dresser!

  12. What a great find! It looks so nice in your bedroom. Love it.

  13. Your blog is so aptly named. You truly are an inspiration! This is beautiful!

  14. This looks great, it looks like it came with the dresser!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  15. Oooooh! That looks perfect on your dresser.


  16. It really turned out great!! What a deal! I just love a bargain that can be transformed!

  17. it looks perfect in your room - dont you just love cheap stuff that can be turned into something so cute!!


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