
Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunburst Mirror for the Girls ~

My little girl loved my recent Sunburst Mirror - so I decided to make one for her! So, I grabbed a bunch of pink scrapbook paper that I had on-hand. 

I then rolled them into cones.

For the mirror I wanted something a little "girly" so I added a little white boa.

I then assembled it just like I did last week...and here you have it, a very pink sunburst mirror. 

I really love how the colors look against the brown wall. But unfortunately this wall is in my craft room...So here it is in my little girl's room - that yes, is pink as well.

I have been wanting to hang something above her bed for sometime, but I am so nervous about anything heavy. So this was just perfect and super lightweight! 

The only thing is I want a bit more contrast between the walls and the sunburst, so I may add a little white to the back.

Linked to:
DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land
Weekend Wrap up Party at Tatertots and Jellow


  1. That is fantastic. You just gave me an awesome idea...thanks so much! And I hear you on the heavy part...this is a perfect fix all. Cute, light and inexpensive!!!! Me likey.

  2. Cute, I may do this for our playroom with a matching penant if I can find the "perfect" paper! Great idea!

    Best wishes,

  3. I LOVE this idea! Thanks so much for sharing. I cannot wait to make one or ten!!!

  4. That is such an adorable idea! Super cute & perfect for any girly girl! :)

  5. Chelsea...this is just the cutest thing ever! I love it!

    I have been working on my grandbaby room and may have to steal this idea! I will be heading to Michaels tomorrow to look for paper!

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  6. Oh my, it looks darling hanging above her bed. She lucky to have such a talented mommy!

  7. Um, WOW! What an amazing idea. You never cease to amaze me! :)

  8. I love this one. So feminine. Those feathers are perfect!

  9. I love that Chelsea! Both versions are just amazing. Wow!!!!


  10. So cute! I love all the different textures:)

  11. Hi Chelsea,
    Next Friday's linky party will last until Sunday if you want to try to link up again!

  12. Don't worry about the contrast of the wall I think it is PERFECT. I love the idea. Where did you get the mirror? Stop by and visit, I have the perfect lampshade and lamp re-do that would be perfect for this room. I love linking up to your Wednesday party! Blessings...sherry

  13. That is so cute! My daughter would love the pink!

  14. This is just so darn cute!! My daughters would both love this. I know when I show them, I'll be making it for them. They'll both be in college in the fall, so it's a perfect decoration for their dorm rooms. Great project for any age...Thanks for the inspiration.
    Take care,


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