
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Be Inspired Link Party ~

 Here are a few inspiring ideas from the party last week:

Holly at 504 Main created these great eggs -
She used real eggs and great vintage images from The Graphics Fairy.

Lisa at the Fern Creek Cottage created this cute Easter Tree -
She made adorable eggs and tags to adorn the tree. 

Sarah at A Little of This and a Little of That created this great piece of art -
She used vintage flatware, a frame from Goodwill and spray painted burlap.

Okay, the Party Rules:
1. Select any project that YOU created that you think will inspire someone else.
2. Add a link of your post to the party - make sure it is a link to the specific post not your blog.
3. Give a short description of your project so we can all see what your are highlighting.
4. Please add a link to this party in your post so everyone can head over and join in the fun!


  1. Oh I love them all Chelsea, but especially Lisa's gorgeous Easter tree!! Can't wait to see this week's entries. Wishing you a fabulous week ~ Tina x

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my Easter tree! You're a sweetie!

  3. Love the Easter tree idea. The framed silverware is adorable too!

  4. I don't have a link up this week, Chelsea, but I've been enjoying everyone else's projects.

  5. Those are great projects! I am going to link up in a minute.


  6. I just wanted to let you know I'm still working on that spray painting ceramics tutorial. It's taking longer than I expected it too. Such is the life when you have a baby...everything takes longer!!

  7. Thanks for showing my eggs...I am a little..OK, a lot behind. I'll be by to link up this week. I enjoyed checking out all the other projects too.


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