
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Turquoise to Super Bowl ~

Since my sister's shower was Saturday and Super Bowl was Sunday, I decided to work with what I already had. Who says you can't do footballs and crystals together? (well my husband was one!)

So I took down the turquoise and up went the gold and black - Way to go Saints!

And I added some footballs and words go hang with the "not-so-football-crystals"

 I picked up this platter at the Party Store and decided it made a better decoration than serving piece.

And who can pass up a football napkin - I mean come on?

And my darling hubby put together a couple of games for the fans to play.

And after eating all of the healthy yummy football food, we continued down that path with dessert! And yes, I made more cupcakes - when in doubt, make cupcakes!

Congrats to the Saints!



  1. cute! who says football parties cant be cute! love it!

  2. That sure is a fancy super bowl party. Way to reuse what you used for the shower! Sometimes it takes so much work (at least for me) to get ready for a party; cleaning, decorating, menu planning, running around like a mad women before guest arrive shoving things in closest and lighting candles, then looking calm and relaxed when you greet your guest at the door and say “Oh me, no I didn’t lift a always looks like this.” I can’t tell you how many times I wished I scheduled parties back to back to make all the work worthwhile. Who am I kidding, even though I stress myself out I LOVE throwing a good party! Your party looks lovely.


  3. Fabulous job, Chelsea! I think you pulled it off very well. Good thing you have all our fleur de lis', too! : )

    On a side note, I love the piece on top of your refrigerator. I have a large metal "basket" that shape and size that came one year with cheeses and wine, etc., that I saved. Did you do the wording on it yourself or did it come that way? Great idea, either way.

  4. Love both spreads! And with your love of fleur de worked out perfectly for the Saints. I am so glad that they won!!!!

  5. I think a little bling is appropriate for any event, including SBS. We've got to do something to bring a female balance to the ambiance, lol.
    Both events looked marvelous!

    Sweet wishes,

  6. Crystals and football. Totally chic combo. Love it lady!

  7. Cute Chelsea! I love your decorations! Everything looks so beautiful!


  8. Love the crystals!

    What I wouldn't give for a real cupcake...

    Here in Mexico, they're not so big on cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies or brownies. *sigh*

  9. Love the decorations, I saw them in person. Your photo's are very well done. I must confess, do you see the container of M&M's in the desert image, I think I ate all of them. I don't remember seeing the game sheet?

    Keep up the great work Chelsea!


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