
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Finishing an Unfinished Frame ~

When at Micheal's this last week I picked up this frame for $3.99.

 I painted on some Metallic Glaze,

Sanded the edges and used Distress Ink on the sides.

I printed out "Family" and the letter "P" for our last name and added a photo of the kiddos. 

But it still needed something...hum...ah yes, a fleur de lis to complete the look!

Now I must say, I had a million ideas on what to do with this and it was hard to choose one. So you might be seeing a similar frame transforming soon!
(thanks Jody for the beautiful flowers!)




  1. Of course! A fleur de lis! That goes without saying, Chelsea. ; )

  2. WOW! I wouldn't have looked at that frame twice the way it was. It turned out so great!!

  3. Trust me, I'd have NEVER paid a second glance at that frame ... great creation.

    TTFN ~Marydon
    PS Pop over for our giveaway.

  4. Probably a million and one ideas for your frame. I look forward to seeing more.

  5. I love the monogram and Fleur de lis! So cute! I wish I was as creative as you!

  6. That looks so great! I love the idea of of the initial and "family" rather than just filling it with 3 photos. And of course your paint job looks fantastic..


  7. It looks great and I love the fleur de lis on the frame!

  8. You have such a great talent to take something simple and make it look fantastic! Love the fleur de lis!

  9. It looks beautiful!

  10. Awesome! I am seriously addicted to anything that in monogramed. I also would not have given that frame a second thought but I love what you did.

  11. Oh that's just perfect!!! The thing I really struggle with is ARRANGING the little vignettes of these beautiful creations! I think I need to run out and buy a frame to finish! LOVE IT!!!


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