
Monday, January 11, 2010

Aargh Matey a Pirate Party ~

My twins turned 4 a few days before Christmas and we always have their Birthday party in January just to make things a little less hectic around the Holidays. This year, it was a pirate party.

So be ready matey for a hearty view of our swashbuckling good time!

Enter if you dare...

Upon entering the Pirates Shanty, each buccaneer had to grab a sword, hat and parrot arr!

And all lined up is each mateys loot from the cap'ns themselves!

Ahoy, the tables were set for the hearty grub!

And each scurvy dog was able to temporarily adorn their arms at One-Eyed Russell's Tattoo Parlor.

Followed by a coloring of the Jolly Roger at the Blonde-Beard's Shanty.

And just in case any matey got out of line, their was always the risk of walking the plank!
Shiver me timbers, tune in tomorrow for more of the pirate fun! Yo ho ho.

Linked to: 
Celebration Inspiration at Under the Table and Dreaming



  1. such a CUTE party! looks great!

  2. Such a cute party! My 4 year old shared a birthday with your twins, but we did just a small family party with all the holidays. I think it's a great idea to celebrate in January when things calm down a bit! thanks for the idea for her 5th party next year - they grow too fast!!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. i love planning my kids birthday parties. thanks for sharing yours!


  5. What a cute party theme! Please share with us how it all goes. Happy Birthday to your babies....they'll always be your babies no matter the age.

  6. WOW! That was some party, I bet your twins and their guest had a fun filled day!

  7. That is adorable, Chelsea! I'm sure the kids were thrilled to pick up a hat, sword and parrot upon their arrival! Love your "plank". : )

  8. Oh my kids would quickly trade me for you. You put so much work into that. I usually make their cakes, but feel so uncreative most times for bday parties. I have 3 boys and any one of them would have loved to have this as their bday party.

  9. What a great party. I am sure they had fun.

  10. You are too good!
    You know I'm a fan!

  11. So cute! I bet you all had a wonderful time..


  12. I wish I was a buddy to I could be invited!:) Everything looks so fun. Great job as, always. Happy Birthday to your boys.

  13. Yikes!! I hope they don't make you walk the plank!! :) I love the tattoo parlor- this party is so original- they are going to have so much fun!!

  14. Ok- this is WAY to cute! But I have to say it's even more impressive that you have 4 year old twins and still able to do the beautiful creative things you do!?!?! Amazing!

  15. Everything looks great! I'm sure everyone had so much fun! When my son turned five I had a pirate themed party for him. I think it was the most fun of any of his birthday parties.

  16. Looks like a great party. Your kids are lucky to have such a crafty mom!

  17. Chelsea - everything looks so fun and inviting! I bet everyone had a great time - but your kiddos will remember it forever! Meghan was talking about one of her parties when she was much younger not to long ago and all the fun she had!
    All that extra work you put in makes it so worth it when you see their smiles!

  18. What a cute party! I did a Pirate Party years ago for my son when he turned four. So cute at that age and such a great theme. I could have used some of your ideas back then!

  19. I am passing a blog award along to you! No pressure to accept, but I wanted you to know I enjoy your blog, and I was thinking of you!

  20. Great party! I especially love the parrots and walking the plank!

    Thanks for joining my party party!

  21. Thanks for joing the Celebration Party! I have a soft spot for pirate themes! The entry table is great. I love the parrots - super cute! You did a great job on the theme - I love the details.

  22. This is such a colourful party! Usually one just sticks to black, white or red with pirates, but you've really made it bright and cheerful! :)

    I'm having a PARTY Link Party over at and this would be a perfect post to link up!

    Hope to see you there? It's going until Friday with a "Show off" of the favourites this Sunday!


  23. Hi Chelsea - I'll be featuring your party tomorrow! Drop by and grab a featured button if you like! Thanks for joining the Celebration Party!


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