
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Trimming the Mantel ~

One of my favorite places to decorate is the mantel. I haven't yet started decorating for Christmas yet, so I am scanning for ideas right now. Here are a few mantels I just love...
Southern Accents

Southern Living


  1. I love the stocking one!!! I need a mantel!

  2. ooh ! I love the colors of the first two! I think the stockings are gorgeous! Cant wait to see your mantel!

  3. Oh a mantel would be a great thing to have!!

  4. Oh I love the pine cones around the mirror. And the stockings in that picture are to die for! I'm sure whatever you go with it will look wonderful!! Happy decorating!

  5. I like the simplicity of the last one. Plus, that fireplace is so beautiful I'd hate to cover it up with too much decoration. I have two mantles to decorate and I think I put more thought into them than any of the other areas!

  6. You sure know how to pick'em!! All of the above had me OH MYing all the way through. Nearly unbelievable, aren't they?

    Can't wait to see what you come up with. :)


  7. Those are all so beautiful, I think you should pick your favorite qualities from each and put them all together! (Who says tulips and pheasant feathers can't go together?) I just know you will creat something wonderful!

  8. I love those mantles. Right up my decorating alley.
    I don't know why but I can do a good job on the mantle at Christmas time and the rest of the year it looks like crap.

  9. I love these mantle inspirations! Now I just have to make sure when we buy a home that it has a mantle.

  10. Chelsea~ These are all stunning!
    I'm hoping for a new mantel this year. I'd like one twice the size as it is now. I can barely squeeze what few decorations I place on it. I venture in with great determination each year in hopes to add just one more....

    I adore the tussie mussie you made in your last post. I've made them with gold papered doilies and filled them with Christmas candy.
    I place them in a basket sitting in my entry, for friends who pop in through the holidays.

    Sweet holiday wishes,

  11. They are just beautiful, can't wait to see yours !

  12. Oh my...they are all so beautiful! I could see any one of them on your mantle! Can't wait to see what you create :)

  13. Gorgeous! I don't think I could even pick a favorite.

  14. I love the mantle on the top. That picture stopped me in my tracks! Gorgeous.

  15. love them all- can't wait to see what you come up with!

  16. Love #3! I'm a sucker for pine cones. Now I just need a mantle. Ah ha ha

  17. I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog. I stop by often. So many projects that you are working on are things that I am planning to start. However,you tend to get things done where I tend to think about them. It's just so funny how we have so many of the same ideas. I truly believe we are kindred spirits. I would love to be able to sit and craft with you. Thanks for sharing. I truly enjoy stopping by!!!

  18. Wow! all of them are great in their own way....can't wait to see what you do!

  19. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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