
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Let The Wrapping Begin ~

Since I have vowed to use all of my odds and ends for my Christmas wrapping, I decided to make my own tags so there would be some sort of continuity under the tree! I mean can you go wrong with a crown?

This is just the beginning, but I am impressed with my starting point considering this is usually the night of the 23rd - always sliding in right before Christmas Eve!


  1. These look great, Chelsea! I am determined to start my wrapping this weekend. It also helps me see where I'm at and how many gifts I may still need to get. Love the crown ~ who wouldn't? : )

  2. Dang! You are on the ball! They look beautiful! I wouldn't want to open them.

  3. Love your homemade tags and what beautiful packages...Happy Christmas!

  4. *Applause* Very cute, creative, and inexpensive!

  5. Talk about making me feel inadequate! LOL Those are so pretty!

  6. The tags and gifts are so pretty. I must confess that, at this stage in my life, I buy warpping paper, sticky tags, and curly ribbon. I can't wait until my kids get older and the presents can be a part of the design.

  7. So pretty! I would hate to actually stack anything under the tree! THis is a good idea, though... I think I should make some pretty tags, too. Where did you get the clip art?

  8. Oh, Chelsea, your gifts are so beautiful! It's almost a shame to unwrap them. Love the gift tag idea.

    Heidi D.

  9. I've been done for days BUT now I am going back to improve as yours look better than mine. Dang nabbit!, chuckle!

    Merry Christmas ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon
    **NEW BLOG**

  10. Your gifts look beautiful and I love the tags you created. I haven't started wrapping anything yet...I feel like I'm getting behind!!

  11. I never would have thought to print out the entire gift tag, and I just LOVE that! I may have to re-gift tag everything now.

  12. Wrapping gifts is my favorite thing to do! And I adore yours! well done!!

  13. Looks awesome! And NO you can't go wrong with a crown in my opinion! ;)

  14. They look beautiful! I wouldn't want to open them.

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  15. I think I should make some pretty tags, too.

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