
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Goodwill Hunting ~

So my Mom, the kids and I went to a different Goodwill yesterday. It was in downtown Seattle and it was the largest and most organized Goodwill we had ever seen. And due to the shear size, we were able to find a few more items than normal. Okay, feast your eyes on these -I definitely feel some projects coming on.


  1. I need to come shopping at your Goodwill. I don't think the Goodwills in my city have such great things :(
    Very jealous!

    Congrats on all the great finds!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE goodwill shopping and I am not ashamed of it. If you spend enought time at one, you can find some really cool you did!! :) Rock on!

  3. I love your goodies. Wish I was in Seattle, love that city. Marla

  4. OMG! I can't believe you found such great stuff! That's it. I'm going to my Goodwill this weekend.

  5. Our goodwill is nasty - I would love to be in your area - great finds - can't wait to see what you do to them! Although, to be honest, some of them look great just as they are!

    Happy Wednesday -

  6. Oh PS - I found some skeletons and such at Micheals last night on sale like the ones you used in your "graveyard" - can't wait to create my own version next year! I just hope I can find everything after I move - my current DR looks like a TJ Maxx/Michaels/Target store has exploded in there right now!

  7. OK I'm seriously considering a flight to Seattle just to visit this Goodwill!!! LOVE your treasures!

  8. OK, I'm having an envious moment. Those are some wonderful finds! Well done!

  9. WOW!!! that is some fantastic stuff. I've gone to our local GW several times and they only have the old fashion country looking stuff. :-(

  10. ooooh, you got some great things!! I am now popping into the Goodwill every chance I get!

  11. WOW very cool! You got some GREAT stuff! I would love to see what you do with all of it!!!

    :) T

  12. It's hard to believe you got all of that at Goodwill. What fantastic finds!!!

  13. Oh my goodness - great finds! Can't wait to see where they end up!

  14. This just isn't fair....they took the Goodwill out of my town and it was never THIS good! Nice score, Paula

  15. You SCORED!

    I particularly like the glass pedestal and the white finial. Is that a finial? Whatever it is, it's fabulous.

    Goodwill is probably my favorite store in the world. It's like an organized garage sale. Oh, how I love to dig!

  16. You have a great eye!! I can see some good "eye candy" in the furture!

  17. I love Goodwill more than words!! I left today with 1 urn, 1 giant Clemson sippie cup, 3 new Lacoste shirts, 1 pr. Abercrombie & Fitch jeans, and 1 Ralph Lauren Polo shirt for $21!! You got a great haul on some home things today. Mine doesn't always have great home good items! I can't wait to see what you do with your finds!

  18. I just thought I would let you know I love your blog so much that I gave you an award!


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