
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Goodwill Finds ~

Here are my finds for last week. The piano bench was a score for only $4.89! I think it has great detail on the legs and I am in need of a piano bench for my grandparents piano.

A shot of the detailed legs...

And a few other accent pieces...I hope to show you the "transformed" bench soon!


  1. Wonderful bench! Thanks for sharing and I love reading your blog.


  2. Wow, what a deal and it looks great too! I've never shopped at Goodwill before, but everyone seems to find the best deals, so I may just make a mad dash to one later this week. =)

    Thanks for sharing! ~Liz

  3. Can't wait to see the redo, but it actually looks pretty good as is! Very, very nice detail ... great find!

  4. If you do nothing to that bench it is fabulous. however,I know you will do someting wonderful.

  5. Nice find! Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  6. What a fun find! It sounds like your Goodwill prices are a lot better then the ones here.

  7. I've just recently started following you and don't think I've ever commented - love your GW finds - my GW never has anything like this - and I really look hard. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

    Love all your spooky Halloween deco's by the way - they look awesome!!


I love your comments!