Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Shabby Apple Giveaway! ~

Today I am excited to be hosting a giveaway for Shabby Apple
I am sure most of you are familiar with the company, but if not let me introduce you.

They have simply darling dresses.

Great skirts.

Adorable kids dresses.

And even great accessories!

 For this giveaway, Shabby Apple is giving one lucky reader this fabulous dress!

You can see more images and a description of the Da Vinci Dress here.

Shabby Apple is also offering a 10% discount - simply enter this code at checkout:

**Giveaway Closed* *
To win this great dress, "like" Shabby Apple on Facebook and let me know - that's it!
For additional entries (please be sure to leave a separate comment for each):
1. Follow this blog (or let me know you already do!)
2. Blog, Tweet or Facebook about this awesome giveaway

I will announce the winner Monday March 19th. 
Good Luck!


anotherbethsmith said...

did it! count me in!

Ash said...

I like Shabby Apple on fb!


Hannah said...

I like Shabby Apple on Facebook!

Amy Lynn said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB, Facebook name: Lynn Bee

Amy Lynn said...

I follow you on GFC, Amy Lynn
amylynnsaves@yahoo dot com

Amy Lynn said...

I tweeted!
amylynnsaves at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like Shabby Apple on facebook!

Anonymous said...

I follow you by GFC!

Anonymous said...

I shared on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=322047254519858&id=100003356564781

Unknown said...

I liked them on facebook. My sister would love this dress.
geminicalli at yahoo dot com

Kelcy Kriegel said...

I am now following your blog, Chelsea! Take care!

Kelcy Kriegel said...

I liked Shabby Apple on Facebook. Totally love their stuff!

Janet said...

I like SA on FB!


Janet said...

I already follow your blog! :)


DeniseL said...

I like SA on fb!
dmarie824 at aol dot com

DeniseL said...

GFC follower dmarie824
dmarie824 at aol dot com

DeniseL said...

dmarie824 at aol dot com

Judith said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB

sharp4sure said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB!


sharp4sure said...

I follow your blog!


Anonymous said...

I follow shabby apple on facebook

tiffany johnson


latanya t said...

I like shabby apple on fb

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

I follow your blog

dlatany at gmail dot com

latanya t said...


dlatany at gmail dot com

Maria Malaveci said...

Like Shabby Apple on FB

Maria Malaveci said...


tweeted about the giveaway

Maria Malaveci said...

I am following Room to Inspire!

Rachel said...

I'm a fan of Shabby Apple on Facebook! Thanks for offering the giveaway!!!

Holly said...

I "like" Shabby Apple on FB!

Holly said...

...and I follow your blog! :-)

Katy said...

They have such pretty things! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

I like Shabby Apple on FB as Katy M.

katygmorris at gmail dot com

Katy said...

I follow you with GFC as katygmorris.


katygmorris at gmail dot com

Katy said...

I just Tweeted about this giveaway here: https://twitter.com/#!/katygmorris/status/179805917854957568


katygmorris at gmail dot com

Lora said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB.

Lora said...

I follow your blog through GFC.

Lora said...

I follow your blog through GFC.

Julie said...

like SA on fb Julie A Scott Laws

Julie said...

follow blog jelaws5

Manda said...

I like shabby apple on fb as manda valenti!

thank you!!
avalenti6936 at yahoo dot com

christy said...

i follow shabby apple on fb
yanuzo at hotmail dot com

Sophie said...

I love Shabby Apple and already liked them on Facebook (Unus Sed Leona)

Would love to win!!

chitownchicas at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

I like Shabby Apple of FB

slavila (at) rochester (dot) rr (dot) com

Sarah said...

Following you on GFC.

slavila (at) rochester (dot) rr (dot) com

Sarah said...

I tweeted!


slavila (at) rochester (dot) rr (dot) com

Unknown said...

i like shabby apple on fb ( as danielle long)
hgrossman at cableone dot net

Unknown said...

i follow ur blog.
hgrossman at cableone dot net

Donna said...

I liked their fb page (donna alena)

something frugal at yahoo dot com

Donna said...

I am following your blog via gfc (somethingfrugal)

something frugal at yahoo dot com

Anissa said...

liked shabby fb, an gooch

Anissa said...

following gfc

Aubs said...

I like shabby apple on fb and I'm following you with GFC!

LaurenBear said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB!

Lauren Bear

LaurenBear said...

I follow via GFC

Lauren Bear

Unknown said...

I like Shabby Apple on fb! Thanks for the giveaway!

saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I follow your blog by gfc! Thanks!
saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

Jessa said...

Liked SA on Facebook! Thanks for the giveaway!


Love & Lollies... Jessa

Confessions of the Cupcake Countessa

Nicole said...

I liked shabby apple on Facebook

Nicole Anderson

Nicole said...

I am a new follower!!!

Unknown said...

I like on FB!

Unknown said...

I'm a new GFC Follower!

Unknown said...

I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Amdierm/status/181450004798509058

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I like Shabby Apple on facebook as Patricia Wojnar Crowley!

tcrowley122 at hotmail dot com

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I follow you on Blogger as Patty C

Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...


Kristen said...

I follow Shabby Apple on FB!

Kristen said...

I posted your give-away on my FB status.

April G said...

I like Shabby Apple on Facebook!


April G said...

I follow this blog.

April G said...

I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/irishmarmalade/status/181596461996318720

Becky W said...

I like Shabby Apple on FB!

Erika P. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erika P. said...

I like Shabby Apple on fb under the name Et Pruitt.

Brittany Seiber said...

To know more about Chief Dr Lucky you can visit his website (https://chiefdrluckyherbaltherapy.wordpress.com/)

A friend that suffered from Herpes and was cure with the help of this great herbal doctor (Chief Lucky) so i decided to contact him for help in getting rid of my families genital herpes virus 1/2 which i did and all i was told to provide was just some useful information and some materials used in preparation of the natural cure and that i did and now i am the happiest person on earth because i am writing this testimony of mine with joy and happiness in my heart to the whole world to know that natural remedy is real because i am a living testimony of Chief Lucky traditional herbal cure and i want you all to contact Chief Lucky via his email: chiefdrlucky@gmail.com or WhatsApp him +2348132777335 am sure he will help you too.


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